2020 Film Competition Grand Prize Winner: Long Road to Freedom, by by Mariya Dostzadah Goodbrake (Afghanistan and US)
Empower Women Media is an allied network which seeks to promote inter-religious harmony through media, education and strategic leadership gatherings.
Our goal is to provide leaders with a tool kit of educational and media resources that support multi-faith collaboration in work place & civil society. Highlighting the values of the Abrahamic faiths, we seek to foster societies where everyone is free to live what they believe.
To provide leaders with a tool kit of educational and digital media resources to promote inter-religious harmony so that all people are free to live what they believe.
Expert panels
Film screenings
Strategy building
- Build trust and relationships
- Explore challenges and opportunities
- Share practical tools & resources
- Identify multi-faith champions
- Foster peace building in the MENA region.
Marrakech Forum 2023
“Bringing women together to lead an interfaith initiative in business is critically important. United voices transcend barriers and promote mutual understanding between different faiths, bringing a beacon of hope to an often divided world.”
Nezha Alaoui, WOMEN CHOICE

Bring our Media Training to your Team!
EWM custom designs 1-2 day media-based trainings to equip professionals to better implement inclusion in the workplace. Your colleagues create a “plan of action” that will accelerate your growth objectives.
Our Strategy
We are leaders serving leaders. Our allied network is made up decision makers, influencers and mobilizers, impacting through through digital media, fellowship and executives events on a national level. We convene women, make strategic connections, and follow up afterward to achieve their personal and organizational goals.
We do the following:
• Host leadership forums to introduce network participants and provide media training
• Spotlight the needs and the contributions of women’s initiatives
• Showcase media experts, innovations, & collaborations around the world
• Provide effective story, branding and media strategies to expand our outreach
• Gather focus groups that can research and respond to field driven initiatives
• Encourage participants to co-author goals (which include a plan and a commitment)
• Challenge our high-impact leaders to mentor emerging leaders
• Partner together to create collaborative media projects.
Founder and Director

Shirin Taber is the founder and executive director of Empower Women Media. Additionally, she is an international consultant, media producer and the author of Muslims Next Door (Zondervan/Harper Collins). With an Iranian Muslim father and an American Christian mother, she has lived in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.
With a background in writing, film, non-profits, and cross-cultural training, Shirin assists multiple organizations with digital media initiatives. The Los Angeles Times, Detroit Free Press, Seattle Times, Jerusalem Post, Christianity Today, NewYorkTimes.com and Religion News have featured her work to support women’s empowerment and inter-religious harmony. She has partnered with the George Bush Institute Women’s Leadership Initiative and the United Nations Office for Genocide Prevention to produce media projects focused on women’s rights and countering religious-based violence.
Currently, she directs an annual women’s media fellowship, film festival, online certificate course, Live What You Believe, and leadership development training events in the Middle East, Pakistan and Nigeria. Shirin earned a BA in Literature and two Masters Degrees in Intercultural Studies. She speaks English, Farsi and French.
Contact Shirin at shirin@empowerwomen.media